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OMR scanning and data processes

The acronym “OMR” stands for Optical Mark Recognition. This popular and highly accurate recognition technology is used for collecting data from “fill-in-the-bubble” types of questions on student tests, surveys, ballots, assessments, evaluations, and many other types of forms faster and more efficiently using laser technology. In addition to multiple choice questions, OMR can be used to capture names, ID numbers, and other non-multiple-choice data as illustrated in the image to left. This technology is the combination of machine and software. Eliminating countless hours of hand grading while providing insightful analysis into class, test, and student performance.

OMR acknowledges human-created marks on a specially printed paper or journal used in experiments, surveys, etc. It is widely used where a huge number of candidates apply and to evaluate data with consistency and immediate effect. OMR sheet can be read using the OMR reader.

The OMR sheet is scanned using an OMR device with a scanner that focuses a light beam on the form paper and identifies areas of minimal light transmission, i.e., marked areas reflecting less light than blank zones.

Some applications of OMR


Insurance & Banking Applications



Evaluation & Feedback form

Custom Software Development

We are devoted to help you and broaden your horizon with our dynamic team in custom digital software experience. We use the most advanced approaches, and our team is liable to deploy their skills to create and design your dream. Technology 360 degree takes a personal approach to the software development experience. We understand different types of software how to work with companies to achieve their goals.

We work as an end-to-end provider of software development & support solutions and we work with you from initial ideas to going live. We approach everything with a test-heavy approach. We specialize in all modern-day technology languages and have specialist teams in each of the languages we deploy. We can take on existing codebases from internal teams or other companies and ensure and guarantee a better experience through achievable metrics.

Mobile App Development

Our Developers are well-versed in making and delivering full-cycle apps development services including iOS, and Android. We are completely focused on customer-centric mobile Apps with utmost efficiency, creativity, and cost-effectiveness. Our iOS apps developers carry vast experience in making iOS apps for iPhone, Ipad, or Apple smart-watch and use the most cutting-edge android resources Kits to develop Android Apps. Whenever a client comes to us from scratch, the process often begins with app development. We ensure that our apps are built with the best UX/UI in mind, since we handle the marketing too, we understand what users want to see and how they want the app to feel. In order to complete the app, we go through the following 4 phase process: Discovery, design, development and marketing.

Cloud Computing

We provide cloud service. Cloud Services is the latest technology used by businesses across the globe to store their data virtually. It is a virtual shared data center to store data that are critical to businesses.


  • To increase IT operations efficiently
  • To reduce management cost
  • To reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
  • The financial impact of the cloud—new ways to save & think about costs,      transparency into IT costs, and economies of scale
  • The business impact of the cloud—process improvement, innovation, flexibility, and expertise, among others Cloud model of software architecture

UI/UX Design

The world is shifting towards compelling user experience as it leads to brand loyalty. The days are behind when UI/UX was used to add the wow factor but nowadays UI/UX emphasizes providing personalization, simplicity, convenience, engagement, and accessibility. For us, A design is more than just typography and a logo. It’s about helping users get what they need and how they engage with what they see on your platform.

The first impression always matters whether we are talking about people or websites. Using intriguing interface design it’s easy to grab the attention of the users. UI/UX designs can also clutch the user’s curiosity by making simple and accurate interactions.

To maximize the interaction, the designer must understand and implement what the user requires. So, we have to make sure that a modern framework including pixel perfect UI/UX design is implemented on each project. We do guarantee that the client’s website and the software will have the best interface for improving their business. Moreover, our UI/UX design in a modern framework provides an eye-catching potential interface.

Why not make more out of it ? Let’s start.

Website design & development

We are proficient of creating magnificent & flawless website from scratch to a full furnished product. Our customers are not only from Bangladesh but beyond the border. Our diversified client list prove our capability. So if you are thinking a world class website design & functional website development, Technology 360 Degree, is your one stop solution.

Every impression counts when it comes to capturing customers online. Now more than ever, your online image is essential to the success of your business. A fancy design is not enough for your site now a days users are demanding websites that are user friendly, informative, attractive, and accessible as well as responsive to all devices.

Our Services

  • Customized Design
  • Responsive Website
  • Website Hosting
  • Website Management
  • Web application development
  • Website Promotion

E-commerce Solution

We are a full-fledged e-commerce solution provider for your business trip. Today’s business across the world needs more online setups that you can’t do with only the physical setup. So, boost up your online sale, and spread your business across the globe. Just seatback to our developers and enjoy the lead conversion and an apt setup of your business strategies. You can hire our expert team for a short course of time.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Services (DMS) always offers the best ROI focused digital Marketing services which are included:

      • Market Research
      • Competitors Analysis 
      • Making Plans & Ideas
      • Brand SMS Marketing
      • 2D & 3D Video Making
      • Social Media Marketing
      • Creative Graphic Design
      • Targeted Email Marketing
      • Content/Article Development
      • Promotional Video Marketing 
      • Facebook Data-Driven Marketing 
      • Search Engine Optimization-SEO
      • Google Data-Driven Marketing Ads

We have a strong digital marketing team who are experts in their section, like an SEO expert team, social media expert team, Google ads expert team, Facebook ads expert team, web design team, web development team, and graphic design team. They have lots of experience in their section.

Big data Analytics

Business organizations generate and store huge data from its operations. But acquiring massive data is nothing that gives an organization a competitive edge, only the proper use of those data resources as Big Data can be an ultimate leverage. And this Big data analytics are an ongoing process; it’s a journey of continuous innovation, which leads you to far ahead from your competitor’s presence.

Big data Analytics assess your competitive advantage
    • Stimulates new questions
    • Formulating new hypotheses
    • Exploration and innovation
    • Making meaningful decisions
Functional steps of Big Data Analytics
    • Assess
    • Plan
    • Act
Sources of Big Data
    • Transaction details
    • Internet click stream
    • Social media activity
    • Machine generated data
Big data from various sources like
    • Data relating to Transaction details
    • Data relating to Real-time market feeds
    • Data relating to Customer-service records
    • All Correspondence and social media posts
    • Also Existing database of customers
    • Data extracted from the machine

We help you to analyze those crucial data before making any decision related to your business with a team of experienced and qualified Data Scientist, we help you decode these misty for the Microfinance Institutes, Banks, insurance companies, Trade Chain (like port and customs).


Step 1


Every successful work starts with proper planning. A luminous plan can act as the core phase of the software development process. Finding out the new scopes, resource availability, Timeframe, costing more over the dream for a successful business depends on a perfect plan. We always keep us ready to make a perfect plan for you.

Step 2


It helps to sketch the far-flung potential of development strategy. A critical analysis opens the door to a successful project. What to design and how to develop it, in brief, it’s the stage to justify the idea of the project. Adjusting to the client’s need and designing the project to the end is the main objective of Analysis

Step 3


Designing is one of the most important stages of the Software development cycle. However, a true design never falls you down from your success. All Front-End and Back-End designs are brought into the mind through the experiences of developers in this stage. A precise design makes sure the proper functionality and development of the process.

Step 4

Development & Testing

The development process includes coding and developing the documentation. It’s the mother part of a project where the entire documents are assembled, and the functionalities are developed. In a nutshell, this stage brings life to software. After developing till the end, the process is taken into Test to check the bug or error.

Step 5


After passing the testing process successfully, the software is ready for implantation. It’s the final stage or market-ready condition of the project. In this stage, the product is openly launched and gets customer feedback. If it requires any change depending on customer feedback or client’s satisfaction, developers fix them.

Step 6


Maintenance is the operational control of the system after launching the project in the market. When the software is developed unerringly and implemented successfully it goes under maintenance by the developers for keeping it up to date with time frame, fixing bug issues, and overall ensuring that the system is running smoothly.